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Workshop on Data Management and Sharing: Unlocking Insights and Fostering Collaboration in Neurotrauma

Register now! In today’s interconnected research landscape, data sharing has emerged as a critical practice for neurotrauma researchers as well as researchers across various domains. It involves making the same data resources available to multiple applications, users, or organizations while ensuring data integrity and security.  PRECISE-TBI is holding a FREE WORKSHOP (June 8-9th, Hilton Hotel Union Square, San Francisco, CA) on a practical approach to organizing and sharing your data.  Come learn how to make your data impactful and PRECISE! 

The workshop will consist of didactic and interactive sessions designed to teach how to share data and use data science throughout the research lifecycle. Learn to satisfy new data management and sharing policies, prepare effective data sections for grant proposals, design experiments, and write the “paper of the future”. 

Attendees will learn:

  1. How your lab can effectively meet new data management and sharing guidelines (e.g., NIH)
  2. To use data science tools and practices to improve your research quality, transparency, and translational impact
  3. Approaches to improve rigor and reproducibility of your neurotrauma research

For more information and to register for the workshop, click https://www.precise-tbi.org/


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